These are some other items I have had up for auction and which have sold. The sun loungers sold on a very hot weekend and had 41 watchers. It was so exciting watching the bidding go up. I was lucky and got around £150.00 for the pair.
I've been sooooooo busy! I have set up an Ebay account. It's time to sell some of the lovely items I have collected over the years. Above is a sample of the things I have been selling; isn't that lampshade just gorgeous - look at that fringe, it was popular and had a lot of watchers and bidders. It is a lot of work but such fun.
Laura Ashley are selling American-style Boudoir Lamps for £70.00 each. I have an original pair of glass/lucite lamps which I adore. They have the original switches, and the original wiring. I cannot bear to have them up-dated; I love them just the way they are. I recently purchased new, Laura Ashley shades for them. Aren't they simply gorgeous?
I was wondering if they are easy to come by in America, I have never seen them here before.